Friday, June 25, 2010

Missing for 112 years, lost ship now found

The wooden steamship L.R.Doty as it appears today 300 feet deep in Lake Michigan, where she has been since she went missing in a storm in 1898. Thanks to the depth and cold, even the ship's cargo of corn is perfectly preserved. Experts say the crew is likely still in the boiler house, where they would have gathered for warmth during the ship's last fateful hour. There are no plans to raise the Doty. At 300 feet, she will remain safe from all but a handful of specially trained divers. For the complete story, more new images and a wealth of historical documents, go to: Ship Wreck .

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Come to your senses: It's sex, not baseball!

Enter into our lexicon the latest absurdly Disney-esque euphemism: "sexually satisfying events." What's wrong with good, old-fashioned orgasms?

Nonetheless, sexually satisfying events is how women's climaxes are described in a New York Times article -- and by all media, for that matter, apparently too sheepish and immature to use the proper word so parroting the study instead. The topic is the FDA's cautious response to a drug that purports to increase female libido and therefore sexual pleasure.

The paragraph in The NYT to wit: "The F.D.A. staff found that it had effectively increased the number of sexually satisfying events reported by more than 1,000 women with depressed libido, increasing those events by a statistically significant 0.8 per month in randomized, placebo-controlled experiments."

It's a dark day when we've become so word-whipped by ultra-conservative prudes that we can no longer refer to the simple pleasures of the flesh by their proper names. God/s, please protect us from your fan clubs!

You can see the original NYT story here: 
Drug for Sexual Desire Disorder Opposed by Panel

Monday, June 7, 2010

Scanner Guy tunes in, spins tales, wins pals

In a report about a distress call from a man yelling "Help me, help me!"  Roger added: "I tried to imagine the look on a police officers face if he broke down the man's door only to see a half man, half fly, caught in a spider web."
Roger -- also known as "Roger the Scanner Guy" or "Roger Dodger" to listeners in his adopted hometown of Santa Barbara, Calif. -- is a onetime drifter and self-described failure. He plasters his ear to his police scanner as much as 14 hours a day, then uses the police and fire calls as a springboard for his increasingly popular free-associative mash-ups of news, memory, fantasy, opinion and humor. The results he posts thrice-weekly or so on a popular community website called Edhat. To hear Roger the Scanner Guy, go to: To read more about Roger, see the original L.A. Times story here: Scanner Guy